Thursday, 2 December 2021
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Woman cry out how TB Joshua sexually abused her.
What is really happening in this country???? Me I call it end time.. How about you?
Friday, 26 April 2019
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Hosted Auto Robot Technology CWC
wisdom TitusSeptember 04, 2018Business, career, cypto world company, lindaikejisblog, Magazine,
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Hosted Auto Robot Technology
Our highly professional team does trading in altcoin with our Hosted Auto Robots.
Technology is making it possible to make everyone in the whole world use a common currency which we call crypto currencies a.k.a digital currencies
The good news is that there is a company that trades digital currencies and they want you to partner with them to enables you earn 400% profit on ur investment just in 160 days. contact wisdom for more info 08180379998
follow this link to register.....
Crypto World Company Robot Technology
wisdom TitusSeptember 04, 2018AFFILIATE MARKETING, BEST INVESTMENT OPTIONS, Business, Business ideas, career, e
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Investor can take advantage of earning through the investment package without
[6:00 AM, 8/31/2018] Big Diamond: EARNING THROUGH INVESTMENT
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–U$20 +$10 = #11,100
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Expected 400% is 80$
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👉 BRONZE – $40 +$10
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Expected 400% is 160$
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👉 SILVER --- $80+$10
Earn(ROI) $1.92 =#710.40, weekly $13.44 = #4,972.80.
Monthly 21,312
Expected 400% is 320$
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👉 GOLD --- $200+10 =
Earn(ROI) daily $4.8 = #1,776. Weekly- $33.6 =
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Expected 400% is 800$
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👉 DIAMOND --- $400+$10 =
Earn(ROI)Daily $9 = #3,330. Weekly-$67 = #23,310.
Expected 400% is 1,600$
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👉 PLATINUM --- $800+$10
= #299,700
Earn(ROI)Daily $19 = #7,030. Weekly- $134 =
#49,210. Monthly-213,120
Expected 400% is 3,200$
= #1,184,000 in 167 days
👉 TITANIUM --- $1600+$10
= #595,700
Earn(ROI) Daily $38 = #14,060.
Weekly- $268 = #98,420.
Monthly -426,240.
Expected 400% is $6,400$
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👉 CRYSTAL --- $5120+$10
= #1,898,100
Earn(ROI)daily $122 =
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Expected 400% is 20,480$
= #7,577,600 in 167 days
👉 MASTER --- $10240+$10
= #3,792,500
Earn(ROI) Daily $245 = #90,650. Weekly$1,720 = #634,550.
Monthly: 2,727936
Expected 400% is $40,960
= #15,155,200 in 167 days
$20480+$10 = #7,581300
Earn(ROI) daily $491 = #181,670. Weekly :$3,440 =
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Expected 400% is 81,920$
= #30,310,400 in 167 days.
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Our highly professional team does trading in altcoin with our Hosted Auto Robots.
Technology is making it possible to make everyone in the whole world use a common currency which we call crypto currencies a.k.a digital currencies
The good news is that there is a company that trades digital currencies and they want you to partner with them to enables you earn 400% profit on ur investment just in 160 days
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
4 Components Of The Best Social Media Campaigns
4 Components Of The Best Social Media Campaigns
If your business is considering a social media campaign, incorporate these four main components to achieve your desired results and boost the impact to your bottom line.
1. A Carefully Developed Plan
The best social media campaigns start with a carefully developed plan. This plan should be specific to your campaign, but it should also fit into your overall social media strategy — meaning that your goals should not conflict, and the campaign should be a good continuation of your brand’s existing social voice and style.
To develop your plan, begin with research. Do a thorough analysis of your existing social followers across your networks and identify areas for improvement versus your competition.
Remember that different social networks exist for different purposes, so choose which social networks best fit your needs. For example, Instagram and Facebook are good networks to target Millennials — but you won’t find many Gen Xers or Baby Boomers on Instagram.
Understand where your target audience spends time, and research recent campaigns in your industry to see which existing trends you can leverage.
Once you decide what kind of campaign you plan to run on the social networks you choose, it’s important to allocate your budget and resources. Include in your budget whether your campaign requires any paid social efforts or if you plan to rely on organic tactics and owned media.
With 49 percent of global business leaders planning to increase their social media budgets this year, allocating budget for a social media campaign should be easier than in years past. However, if you need additional resources like a social media platform, CRM or automation platform to implement your ideal vision, remember to include that in your desired scope.
After you’ve researched your idea, decided on an appropriate budget and outlined a plan for your social media campaign, identify your dream team. Assigning clear-cut roles ahead of time helps to avoid confusion and overlapping responsibilities.
At a minimum, you’ll want to assign roles for messaging, design and promotion. If your social media campaign will be promoted across channels, make sure you’ve selected the right team members in ancillary departments to be responsible for your campaign.
The last part of your social media campaign plan should be to identify the metrics you’ll use to measure the success and ROI of your campaign. In order to do that, you’ll need to define your campaign’s goals — which is the next component of a great campaign.
2. Clearly Defined Goals
Before starting any marketing campaign, you need to clearly define your goals. Deciding on what you want to achieve at the beginning of a campaign makes it easier to measure and analyze your results.
Your social media campaign can have multiple goals, where each piece of your strategy serves a different objective. Each goal you select should be personalized for your business’ needs, but here are a few common ones most campaigns address:
• Increase Brand Awareness. If your business is relatively new (or new to social media), or if you need to distinguish your business from others in the same space, some part of your campaign should aim to increase brand awareness. If prospects and customers are unable to recognize your brand, your campaign will have little effect.
Incorporating a sharing aspect to your campaign is a great way to increase your brand awareness and online influence. To measure your brand’s social influence, benchmark key metrics, such as total number of likes or followers, total brand mentions/retweets, influencer brand mentions and site entrances or app downloads driven by social media.
• Drive More Website Traffic. I know what you’re thinking: Who doesn’t want more visits to their website or blog? It’s a natural goal for most marketing campaigns, but it also plays into your social presence. The more visitors your website receives, the more opportunities they have to share your site or content on social media and follow your accounts on their favorite networks.
To drive more traffic, direct users to a landing page on your site where they can take the next action. Use Google Analytics or your Web analytics platform of choice to benchmark key metrics like total Web visits, visits driven by social media, time on site and overall engagement of social users.
• Drive Visitor Loyalty. Do you want to increase your website visitor loyalty? Driving more website traffic is a short-term goal, but you can aim to increase the amount of time spent on your website and the frequency of return visits for the long term.
If visitor loyalty is one of your goals, consider a social media campaign that requires users to visit your website several times to enter or find information. To measure visitor loyalty, benchmark metrics like pages per session, average session duration and the percent of new sessions to your site.
• Improve Conversion Rates. If your business is well-known and already receives a lot of Web visitors, your campaign should focus on improving your website/app conversion rates. Whether your business considers a conversion a product purchase or an account sign-up or anything in between, you can align an aspect of your social media campaign with website conversions.
Consider campaigns that require users to fill out a form or sign up to get the benefit or value being offered — but remember to keep an eye on these conversions to see if you’re driving meaningful, long-term customers through your campaign. To measure your social media campaign’s impact on conversions, track metrics like total site entries, total conversions and assisted social conversions.
3. Cross-Channel Promotion
Unless you’re a major brand with millions of loyal followers, your social media campaign likely needs help from other marketing channels to achieve your desired results. The best social media campaigns are part of an integrated marketing campaign where your efforts on social media are supported on a number of other channels.
The benefits of promoting your social media campaign across additional channels are twofold: Those you reach via social media are reminded through other communications, and those who aren’t as active on social media are informed.
Your followers are already familiar with your brand, so they’re the most likely to see your campaign on social media; therefore, they will be more likely to engage or participate after being reminded through a different channel.
You can catch those who don’t follow you on social media or are less active via email, search or on-site content and ad units.
Reaching different people at varying times across many marketing channels increases the likelihood that your campaign will be successful. Just be careful with your segmentation and timing. You don’t want to overwhelm existing customers or bother potential ones with too much at the same time.
Gentle reminders and mentions across a number of touch points to different cohorts of your target audience will deliver better results than a social media campaign that’s only promoted on your social network of choice.
4. Thorough Analysis
So how’d your campaign perform? Was your social media program successful in reaching the goals you set out to achieve?
When it comes to analyzing the success of your campaign, you’ll be thankful you identified the key metrics associated with your goals ahead of time. It’s easy to benchmark your progress against your initial starting point.
Going beyond achieving your goals, are there any “downstream” metrics you’ve seen improve? In your given time period, evaluate whether or not you saw a difference in account logins, customer lifetime value or other engagement metrics specific to your business.
Perhaps the revenue from those customers acquired through your social media campaign is higher than revenue from those acquired through your search acquisition campaigns. (That has tended to be the case for our business.) Or maybe those customers log in more often or adopt tools more readily. There are a number of ways to think about the ROI of your campaign that aren’t tied directly to revenue.
Great social media campaigns should affect more than your follower count. Using these four components as the tenets of your next social media campaign will help your business extend your social reach, gain a better understanding of your target audience and achieve your long-term business goals.
Have something to say about this article? Share it with us on Facebook.
Thursday, 22 March 2018
*1. Don't complicate life. We won't be here forever. Once this day is over, it's gone forever. Your time is too valuable to waste on nonsense.*
2. No matter what knocks you down in life, get up and keep going. NEVER GIVE UP. Great blessings come as a result of great perseverance.*
3. Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys.
4. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don't give up.
5. Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.*
6. Disappointments were not meant to destroy you. They were meant to strengthen you and give you fortitude to accomplish your God-given destiny.
7. We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but by appreciating what we do have.
8. Your child will follow your example, not your advice.
9. One day, you'll be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.*
10. Associate yourself with people of good quality. For it is better to be alone than in bad company.
11. Don't fear change. You may lose something good, but you may also gain something great.*
12. When you love what you have, you have everything you need.*
13. The greatest act of faith some days is to simply get up and face another day.*
14. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have - GRATITUDE.*
15. Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it has left you.*
16. When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power.*
17. Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you are waiting.*
18. Isn't it ironic:
We ignore those who adore us, but adore the ones that ignore us
We love those who hurt us, but hurt the ones that love us.
19. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Every story has an end, but in life every end is just a new beginning.
20. You were born to win. Although to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
21. Every day is a NEW beginning, take a deep breath and START AGAIN.
22. Know that you are loved. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are beautiful. You have purpose. You are a masterpiece.
23. Don't compare your progress with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance.
24. Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.*
25. Bad things happen everyday to everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.
26. When you make a commitment, you build hope. When you keep it, you build trust.*
27. Two things define you: Your PATIENCE when you have NOTHING, and your ATTITUDE when you have EVERYTHING.
28. Being honest may not get you a lot of FRIENDS but it will always get you the RIGHT ONES.
29. Working on yourself is the hardest part of life. Keep growing up, no matter where you are.
30. Be selective in your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.*
31. Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you and make you happy. If you know people who do none of these things, let them go.
32. Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.
NO ➔ Shortcuts
NO ➔ Quick fixes
NO ➔ Blaming others
NO ➔ I'll do tomorrows
34. Surround yourself with positive people who will support you when it rains, not just when it shines.
35. Being defeated is often a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent.
Enjoy this journey we called LIFE.*

Wednesday, 21 March 2018
How To Become Successful
● *BELIEVE* – while others are doubting.
● *PLAN* – while others are playing.
● *STUDY* – while others are sleeping.
● *DECIDE* – while others are delaying.
● *PREPARE* – while others are daydreaming.
● *BEGIN* – while others are procrastinating.
● *WORK* – while others are wishing.
● *INVEST* – while others are wasting.
● *LISTEN* – while others are talking.
● *SMILE* – while others are frowning.
● *COMMEND* – while others are criticizing.
● *PERSIST* – while others are quitting.👍🏾
*How are you doing great future traders..*?hdr

Tuesday, 20 March 2018
FUTURE TRADE GLOBAL is a company formed by a team of PROFESSIONAL TRADERS with EXPERTISE in one of the biggest financial markets of today, the CRYPTOCURRENCY. Their focus is to provide affiliates with daily and constant profits in these markets. Get to know the business that is changing the lives of PEOPLE, quick and disclosed. FUTURE TRADE GLOBAL is the single place for all your investments.
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The Right Time To Invest In Cryptocurrency Is Now

*FUTURE TRADE GLOBAL* is a company formed by a team of *PROFESSIONALS TRADERS with EXPERTISE* in the biggest and best financial markets of today, such as the *Cryto-Currency Exchange.*

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.*FUTURE TRADE GLOBAL* is a company formed by a team of PROFESSIONALS TRADERS with EXPERTISE* in the biggest and best financial markets of today, such as the *Cryto-Currency Exchange.

Monday, 18 September 2017
What to do if ATM swallows your card
What to do if ATM swallows your card
One of the most embarrassing experiences a bank customer can have while using the Automated Teller Machine is when the machine withholds his/her card without dispensing cash.
The ATM is expected to work like a mobile bank that should enable you to have access to your funds anywhere and anytime you insert your card into the machine.
In as much as the ATM has lots of advantages, its essence can be defeated if it swallows the customer’s card when he needs money.
Here are some ways to protect the ATM from swallowing your card:
- Avoid suspicious ATMs: Some ATMs may not have been properly serviced and may be faulty. If you see some signs that it looks unkempt or abandoned, avoid inserting your card in such machines. Always read instructions on the ATM because most times, there are usually some notes on the machine to inform you that the ATM is faulty and that you should use another one. Some ATMs may also have been tampered with by criminals to steal users’ identities. Don’t be too much in a hurry to try your luck with such ATMs. Look for another ATM to be on a safe side.
- Multiple entries of wrong password: Be careful when typing your password on the ATM because when you make multiple attempts with the wrong password, the ATM may suspect that you stole the card and withhold it to protect the account holder’s fund.
- Expired card: An expired card will not bring out any money from the ATM. If you are trying to withdraw with such a card, the machine can swallow it.
- Blocked card: If you have reported to the bank to block your card because it is lost, but failed to ask your bank to un-block it after you found it, the ATM may swallow the card if you attempt to use it to withdraw money.
- Low balance: If you have a low balance in your account and you are still attempting to withdraw money, the ATM can swallow your card.
- Remove your card immediately after transaction:When the ATM gives you a message to remove your card and you fail to remove it on time, it may swallow it thinking that you have forgotten it or that it is now an abandoned card.
- Damaged card: If your card is damaged, broken or the magnetic strip has been affected, the ATM will not be able to read the card but will have to seize it.
- Stopped card: If the card has been reported as missing, or the bank has placed a stop order on it, the ATM can seize it if you make an attempt to use it to withdraw money.
- Wrongly inserting your card: You need to follow the arrow sign on your debit card and insert it into the ATM correctly. If you insert your card wrongly, the ATM may swallow it instead of returning it back to you.
- Wrong card: Some ATMs do not recognise some card providers. This happens a lot when you travel abroad. If you use your card on such ATMs, they can swallow it.
How to use an ATM
When you open an account, your bank will issue you a debit card, which you can use at the ATM.
Here are basic things to know about the ATM, according to
- Create a PIN: To use your card at the ATM, you must enter a Personal Identification Number, a secret combination of numbers or letters that you create. Your PIN is like a secret password. If someone else has it, they can take money out of your account; so, don’t share it with anyone! If you do give it out, you may be held responsible for any money you lose. So, to keep your money safe, keep your PIN a secret!
- Stay alert and aware: Because most ATMs give out cash and many accept deposits, it makes sense to be alert and aware of your surroundings no matter where or when you use an ATM.
- Follow onscreen directions: Not all ATMs work exactly the same way, but they are all designed to be easy to use.
Just follow the directions on the ATM screen that you are using.
- Be aware of fees: Your ATM card will work in machines operated by your own bank. It may also work in ATMs operated by other financial institutions. This flexibility is great, but be careful about the fees you may be charged by both your bank and the ATM owner.
- Know your available balance: Be sure you have enough money to cover your withdrawals. Remember that whenever you make a withdrawal with your debit card, the money will be withdrawn from your account.
- Record your transactions: Make a habit of writing your ATM transactions and the purchases you have made with your ATM card or debit card in your register right away so that you don’t forget. On a monthly basis, compare the amounts on your receipts to those on your bank statement to ensure that they match.
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Free Education At SEES SCHOOL Ayobo Lagos State...!
Free Education At SEES SCHOOL Ayobo Lagos State...!
Sees school is a Free Education system organised to meet the needs of mankind. It was organised to help those who find it difficult to pay school fees. It has qualified teachers and has all what other schools have to offer.
At sees we do not collect school fees, It is indeed free. Since we are yet to get sponsors we decided to tell each parent buy books and uniform.
Don't miss out on this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to give your wards QUALITY EDUCATION at NO COST at all....!
Enroll with us NOW.....!!!!
See Flyer for details.
Sees school is a Free Education system organised to meet the needs of mankind. It was organised to help those who find it difficult to pay school fees. It has qualified teachers and has all what other schools have to offer.
At sees we do not collect school fees, It is indeed free. Since we are yet to get sponsors we decided to tell each parent buy books and uniform.
Don't miss out on this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to give your wards QUALITY EDUCATION at NO COST at all....!
Enroll with us NOW.....!!!!
See Flyer for details.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Bitcoin Price Falls to $3,000 but China Influence Wanes
Bitcoin price dropped further amid a frenzied market sell-off on Friday in a week where two major Chinese exchanges announced the halt of trading operations following regulatory scrutiny.
Bitcoin prices fell to a new 40-day global average low of $3,023 on Friday as the global market reacts to significant goings-on in China. Prices fell nearly 20% on the day, losing nearly $700 since trading on Thursday.

Data from CoinmarketCap shows a significant investor sell-off in global markets.

While the country’s ban on ICOs and – presumably – bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading platforms steps up a gear, some observers see the bright side in pointing to the waning influence of China on bitcoin.
Regional news cnLedger put the spotlight on price movements following regulatory burden, highlighting the lessening impact of Chinese regulators on bitcoin’s value.

Once the world’s largest bitcoin trading market with over 90% of activity, China is now behind USD-based markets and Japanese markets, according to market data.

The likes of Charlie Lee, the creator of Litecoin – a cryptocurrency commonly seen as the silver to bitcoin’s gold – further added that China’s squeeze on local markets was a “good thing”.
Writing on social media yesterday, Lee stated:
This is a good thing. China can no longer play with the markets by banning Bitcoin. Crypto-currency cannot be killed by any country.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
2face and wife Ani donates relief materials to Benue flood victims
2face and wife Ani donates relief materials to Benue flood victims.
Renowned musician, Innocent Idibia, popularly known as 2Baba, has donated assorted relief materials to Internally Displaced Persons in Makurdi.
Idibia, accompanied by his wife, Mrs Ann Idibia and his friends, made the donation on Tuesday.
He said that his prompt response to the plight of the displaced persons was to let them know that he, his family and friends were solidly behind them.
“The gesture is aimed at giving hope to the displaced persons and to ameliorate their hardship,” he said.
He assured the displaced persons that he and his friends would send more relief materials to them to cushion their sufferings.
While urging the IDPs not to loose hope, Idia promised that they would not be forsaken by individuals, groups and the government.
The Wife to the Benue Governor, Mrs Eunice Ortom, commended Idia for coming to the aid of the displaced persons.
She said that the state was proud of him for the humanitarian assistance he had been rendering to people across the globe.
She said that the materials donated by him and others would help to ameliorate the sufferings and bring succour to the IDPs.
Ortom also expressed appreciation to other individuals, corporate organizations and government, who donated relief materials to the displaced persons.
She noted that the gesture was demonstration of love and concern for the displaced persons.
A representative of Fidelity Bank, Mr Emmanuel Aduku, said the bank had donated relief materials worth N1 million to alleviate the sufferings of the IDPs.
Bitcoin drops to $4,000 amid Panic Sell after China ICO Ban
Bitcoin drops to $4,000 amid Panic Sell after China ICO Ban
Bitcoin price has now dropped 20% toward $4,000, three days after hitting an unprecedented record high of $5,000over the weekend.
The price of bitcoin hits a two-week low in a decline following China’s ban on initial coin offerings (ICOs), a radical new form of fundraising where digital tokens are exchanged for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum.
The early hours of Tuesday saw bitcoin value drop near $4,000, trading at figures unseen since August 22nd. At Bitstamp, bitcoin’s value dropped to $4001.9 during the fall while a global average between exchanges leveled around the $4,050 figure.

Chinese exchanges experienced more dramatic falls with trading on ‘big three’ exchange OKCoin falling to a low of CNY22,550, roughly $3,400.

Data from CoinmarketCap reveals a significant sell-off in multiple markets around the world

At the time of publishing, bitcoin prices are showing an upward recovery in trading above $4,300.

Over the last 24 hours, the Japanese market overtook China in trading activity with the latter currently seeing a small premium on prices. In China, bitcoin’s value is recovering but presents arbitrage opportunities to traders at $4,014, on average.

The drop-off comes amid a widespread market retreat as the combined market cap of cryptocurrencies drops to $145 billion, as China’s call to ban ICOs wipes out nearly $35 billion off the market from the all-time high of $179 billion on Saturday.

Thursday, 31 August 2017
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has signed for Liverpool
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has signed for Liverpool for an undisclosed fee.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has signed for Liverpool
Liverpool have completed the signing of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain for £40m from Arsenal.
The 24-year-old successfully completed a medical with Liverpool staff on Wednesday at St George’s Park, where he is preparing for England’s World Cup qualifiers, having spurned a move to Chelsea in favour of working for Jürgen Klopp at Anfield.
“I am really, really happy we have got Alex signed,” Klopp said on Liverpool’s website. “Since the last game I have been waiting and hoping we could make this transfer – and when I got the news he was ours it was fantastic.
“I hear a lot of talk about positions but let’s talk about the player; he is someone with really good abilities who always gives everything for his team. A player that is positive and willing to take risks to try and make positive things happen.
Alex spent six years with us, making 199 appearances and scoring 20 goals. He helped us to three Emirates FA Cup victories, putting in a man-of-the-match performance in our semi-final win against Manchester City last season.
Monday, 14 August 2017
What you feed your mind will shape your future.
The person you will be in 5years is base on the books you read and the people you hang around with today. This is quiet true but it applies to everything else as well.
The person you will be in future is base on everything you do today, the people you hand around with but more so the people you listen to, the opinion you believe, the books you read or the video you watch, all the information you take in positive or negative will affect your future. The workout you do or you don't do that will show up in the future. The food you eat today will affect your future on a visual and energy levels.
The same is true with your thoughts and information. What you feed your MIND will shape your future. If all you do is take in garbage guess what your future is going to be made up of? Commit to feed your mind with successful thoughts and surround yourself with those who have the same ambition. It doesn't matter where you get your information from, you may read, you may get it from podcast or videos, just make sure you keep feeding your mind everyday.
Your future self is begging you to show some discipline, not to be like the rest, learn more than the rest, work harder and smarter than the rest. Your future self is begging you to do the work now so you can enjoy later. If you don't feed your mind with success it will rot with mediocrity. What you do everyday will dictate your future.
What you want out out of life; you must put it in, if you want success put in there, if you want health and fitness put it in, if you want peace and happiness put it in, your ACTIONS will equal your RESULTS.
There's is no limit to what you can achieve.